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Safety Tip Line

Speak Up Save Lives. Call or text the statewide tip line at 844-723-3764 to report anything that is suspicious

Safer Ohio School Tip Line: 
(844) 723-3762

By calling or texting the statewide tip line, you can anonymously report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends, or your school.

Safer Ohio Schools Tip Line

The Safer Ohio School Tip Line is a free safety resource available to all Ohio schools. The tip line is an anonymous reporting system that accepts tips via call, text, webform, and mobile app 24 hours-a-day. 


See Something, Say Something

We encourage students and families to bring safety and security concerns to their building principal as soon as possible.

High School Principal
Paul Chase, 216-831-2080 x 7101

Middle School Principal
Dr. Tony Srithai, 216-831-0355, x6118

Hilltop Principal
Amy Pinney, 216-381-7144 x5122

Bryden and Fairmount Principal
Arianna DeGeorge, 216-831-3933 x4130