Beachwood Schools Athletic Boosters
The Beachwood Schools Athletic Boosters promotes the growth and success of the Beachwood City Schools Student Athletes and Teams. We encourage community spirit and support special projects and the needs of each team and athletic facility.
Booster Memberships
In order for the booster program to be successful, we rely on the support of our community and parents of the Beachwood City Schools through booster memberships.
Booster memberships enable families to enjoy our sporting events at no cost while supporting the student athletes and their teams.
Fundraising and Sponsorship
We will also aid in fundraising and sponsorship efforts in order to serve the needs of the Beachwood Athletic Department, Athletes and Teams. The Beachwood Athletic Boosters are part of the Beachwood Schools Support Organization, which is recognized as a 501(c)(3). EIN: 47-5579966.
Athletic Boosters Board
Khaz Finley
Saree Doyle
Vice President
Michael White
Megan Zabell
Executive Board Members
Amy Aschkenasy
Donna Houston
Julie Brough
Michael Lewin
Angela Clark
Jamie Rindsberg
Robert Ferns