Beachwood's Special Education Profile
The Department of Education and Workforce released its annual Special Education Profile, highlighting Beachwood Schools’ strong outcomes in serving students with disabilities. Based on 2022-2023 data, the profile reports high proficiency in reading and math, broad access to general education settings, and effective preparation for students’ life, work, and postsecondary success.
“These achievements mean students are better equipped with the skills, knowledge, and support needed to thrive in their postsecondary endeavors,” says Dr. Jennifer Polak, director of pupil services.
Beachwood Schools met key indicators for graduation rates, low dropout rates, and post-school outcomes. “The district has effective programs in place to keep students engaged and motivated to complete their studies, which contributes to better life outcomes in the long term,” says Dr. Polak.
The profile also shows that the district met all equity standards for ensuring fair identification of special education services across racial backgrounds. “Equitable support creates a more positive, inclusive school culture where every student feels valued and supported,” says Dr. Polak.
Among the growth areas identified in the profile, Beachwood Schools exceeded the state’s target for the percentage of students taking the Alternate Assessment. Ohio recommends keeping this percentage at or below 1%, while Beachwood’s rates are 1.73% in reading and 1.84% in math. Dr. Polak explains that teams make decisions based on what’s best for each student, which may result in a rate above the state threshold. The pupil services department follows a standardized process to carefully assess each student’s eligibility for the Alternate Assessment and ensure that only those who need it are selected.
The district is also working to close math proficiency gaps for students with disabilities by training teachers in evidence- based instructional strategies and using assessment data to tailor instruction to students’ specific needs. Beachwood uses the profile data, along with real-time metrics, as a “temperature check” to continuously improve educational outcomes. Dr. Polak explains, “We’re able to make a larger, positive impact on our students’ education by refining our approach and ensuring that no student group is overlooked in their path to success.”
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