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Beachwood Named Best Community for Music Education

Beachwood Named Best Community for Music Education

The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation has named Beachwood Schools among the 2023 Best Communities for Music Education. The award program recognizes outstanding efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students and community leaders who have made music education part of a well-rounded education. The Beachwood Schools music department has proudly received this prestigious national award for 18 consecutive years.

“Thank you to our community of educators, parents and administrators for providing a strong foundation in the Arts,” said fine arts resource specialist and retired school orchestra director Lisa Goldman, who submitted the application. “We are grateful for our resources and opportunities.”

“This award is not only a recognition of excellence in the classroom but also of the support provided by the District as a whole and the Beachwood Community,”  said Band Director David Luddington.

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