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Beachwood High Students Explore Medical Careers at University Hospitals Camp

Beachwood High Students Explore Medical Careers at University Hospitals Camp

Beachwood High School students explored career paths in healthcare during the Beachwood Medical Academy camp, hosted June 13-15 in partnership with University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center. The hands-on camp offered a glimpse into what it’s like to work in the medical profession with the aim of creating a pipeline of future talent. 

“We want to create experiential learning opportunities that will get students excited about careers in healthcare,” said Dr. David Rosenberg, MD, MPH, pulmonologist and medical director of the University Hospitals Ahuja Lung Center. The Beachwood High School alum (class of ‘66) helped establish the Beachwood High School Medical Academy in 2014. The program prepares teens for competitive pre-med programs through advanced coursework and hospital immersion experiences.

During the three-day camp, students gained clinical exposure through seminars and live demonstrations led by distinguished University Hospitals providers in the fields of cardiology, pulmonology, thoracic surgery, neurological surgery, and otolaryngology. 

In a presentation on pulmonary medicine, Dr. Rosenberg discussed lung anatomy and risk factors for developing lung disease, including vaping and smoking. Following the presentation, students donned face shields, latex gloves, and surgical gowns as they gathered into small groups for a lung dissection led by thoracic surgeon Dr. Jillian Sinopoli, DO.

“I really liked the lung dissection,” said aspiring physician Kevin Zhang, 15. “Dissection is the best way to get to know the different parts of the organs and how they function.”

So agreed Kate Kriwinsky, 14, who wants to become a surgeon. “It was kind of gross at first, but then I got into it and found it interesting,” she said.

Another highlight included a hands-on ultrasound demonstration led by Ahuja’s chief medical officer Dr. Jessica Goldstein, MD. Students used the imaging technology to practice identifying anatomical structures in peer volunteers. In other sessions, students became CPR certified and learned to close a wound with a simple interrupted suture.

Eliana Worku, 15, who hopes to pursue a career in pediatric medicine, said she found it helpful to hear from professionals representing a range of disciplines. “I enjoyed learning about the pediatric fields within neurosurgery and plastic surgery,” she said. 

Worku added that she felt empowered after getting CPR certified. “It’s amazing that Beachwood has this opportunity for students to learn CPR and possibly save a life in the future,” she said.

The program also highlighted diverse career opportunities in nursing and healthcare executive leadership. Chief nursing officer Lindsey Colangelo, MSN, RN, shared leadership opportunities in the nursing profession. Percival Kane, Jr., MHA, chief operating officer, discussed the role of a hospital administrator and gave students a private tour of the newly expanded facilities. 

“This camp helped show me a lot of potential career paths in medicine,” said Zhang. “I liked hearing from the speakers and learning what they do.” 

On the final day of the camp, students participated in a poverty simulation at the Greater Cleveland Food Bank to learn how food insecurity impacts health. “Being healthy is more than going to the doctor and taking medicine,” said Dr. Rosenberg. “Factors such as whether patients have enough to eat, a place to live, financial stability, and access to medical facilities in their community significantly influence health outcomes.” 

“We are incredibly grateful to Dr. Rosenberg for his leadership in providing our students with authentic learning experiences that offer a glimpse into what it’s like to work in the medical profession,” said Dr. Linda LoGalbo, director of curriculum and instruction at Beachwood Schools. “The camp demonstrates to students how providers from a wide range of medical disciplines can collaborate to solve pressing healthcare challenges in our society.” 

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