Allison Rose Foundation Partnership Enhances Food Allergy Safety
Food allergies affect an estimated one in 13 children in the United States, making safety and preparedness a critical priority for schools. To address this need, Beachwood Schools has partnered with the Allison Rose Foundation to enhance food allergy safety across the district.
Each school now has a bright yellow allergy emergency box, donated by the Allison Rose Foundation, installed near the automatic defibrillator cases by the building entrances or cafeterias. These boxes contain one adult and one child epinephrine auto-injector for quick access during an anaphylactic emergency.
“Every second counts,” says Michael Suhy, co-founder of the Allison Rose Foundation and Fire Chief of the Cuyahoga Heights Fire Department. “Having these boxes as accessible as an AED or fire extinguisher makes it safer when someone has an anaphylactic reaction.”
In addition to donating the allergy emergency boxes, the Allison Rose Foundation provided copies of Land of Can books, written by Riya Jain and J.J. Volopas and illustrated by Bill Dussinger. These picture books will be used in Hilltop’s third-grade classrooms to teach students about food allergies and safety practices such as properly washing hands, reading food labels, and preventing cross contact when allergens are accidentally transferred between foods.
“It’s an empowerment book for kids,” says Chief Suhy. “It helps them understand why some classmates need to carry medication or avoid certain foods. Starting that awareness early builds their empathy and reduces the stigma of food allergies.”
The Allison Rose Foundation, established in 2018 by Michael and Rebecca Boroff Suhy (Beachwood class of 1995), is dedicated to improving the lives of families affected by food allergies through education, awareness, research, and advocacy. The foundation honors the memory of their daughter, Allison, who passed away from a severe food allergy reaction while attending Ohio University. Its physician-driven, evidence-based programs provide allergy and anaphylaxis education to schools, restaurants, and organizations nationwide. These efforts have resulted in the passage of the Allison Rose Act, which promotes food allergy education and training in Ohio schools. In recognition of her impactful work, Rebecca Boroff Suhy was inducted into the Beachwood Schools Gallery of Success in April 2024.
The Allison Rose Foundation has been a long-time partner of Beachwood Schools by providing food allergy education to high school students as part of the health curriculum. Students take the “Allison Rose Challenge” to gain firsthand insight into the challenges of living with a food allergy and learn about the dangers of anaphylaxis and how to use auto-injectors.
“We are deeply grateful to Rebecca and Michael for their generosity,” says Dr. Jennifer Polak. “Their support allows us to create a safer and more supportive school environment for students, staff, and community members who are navigating the challenges of food allergies.”