Gallery of Success
The Gallery of Success was established in 1985 by the Board of Education to recognize alumni who have demonstrated significant leadership, service, humanitarianism, creativity, courage, and career contributions. This prestigious recognition highlights individuals whose achievements after graduation establish them as exemplary role models for students. Beachwood Schools proudly congratulates the 2024 inductees!
2024 Inductees
2024 Induction Ceremony
Seven distinguished alumni were inducted into the Gallery of Success during a special ceremony held at Beachwood High School on April 19, 2024.
Video Highlights
- Watch the 2024 Gallery of Success Ceremony.
- Interview with family and friends of David A. Arnold
- Interview with Marshall E. Barron
- Interview with Monique Davis Gordon
- Interview with Gayle I. Horowitz
- Interview with Rebecca Boroff Suhy
- Interview with Dr. Brian Weiss
Previous Inductees
2020 - Present
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
Sanford T. Colb ’66 - In recognition of his dedication and service in employing immigrant workers and operating a 150-acre farm that provides food for Israel’s needy, and for founding an intellectual property law firm, employing over 20 lawyers and patent attorneys in Israel.
Michael Friedman '82 - In recognition of his entrepreneurial spirit in the automobile industry by being a steadfast and goal-driven salesman, by increasing existing dealership capacities and managing his own successful community-oriented dealerships, as well as being an active donor to numerous charities and youth sports organizations.
Rick Frires, M.D. ’67 - In recognition of his life’s goal and mission: to heal others with respect, compassion, and excellence, whether it be in the ER or all over the globe, changing the world of the poor and disenfranchised by providing aid and relief to patients.
Frankie B. Goldberg ’82 - In recognition of her leadership as a University Heights Councilwoman, as well as her service to Northeast Ohio as a law enforcement officer prosecuting criminal offenders, educating youth on the dangers of Internet predators, protecting seniors from abuse and exploitation, and building partnerships between public safety leaders and their communities.
Stanley J. Goldman ’71 - In recognition of his inventive spirit and groundbreaking work in technology, patenting a wide variety of advances in the areas of communication, international relations and personal health, all while being a leader and mentor in his field of engineering.
Roe Green ’66 - In recognition of her love and patronage to the arts through the establishment of the Roe Green Foundation, and her financial support and nurturing of theater, arts, and humanitarian institutions.
Barry Minoff ’66 - In recognition of his business acumen in bringing Kichler Lighting to international prominence; his energy, vision, and enthusiasm in serving as a board member to various Cleveland nonprofits; and his invaluable generosity and guidance to his friends and community.
Marilyn Jaffe Nachman ’78 - In recognition of her persistence in fighting for students with disabilities to give them the best opportunities for quality educational services, being an advocate and a network liaison for parents, and for making a profound impact on her community’s children.
Eric L. Sorkin ’78 - In recognition of his rapid rise through the ranks of Wall Street and his contribution to the development of new treatments to combat global diseases.
Lauren Miller Spilman ’82 - In recognition of her compassion and hands-on philanthropic contributions in Cleveland, the United States and Israel and her co-creation of Findaway World, one of the fastest growing consumer products companies in the country.
Tina Tchen ’74 - In recognition of being a female role model in the legal field through her dedication and leadership in Chicago civics, in the American Bar Association, and to the United States as a member of President Barack Obama’s administration.
Jennifer L. Eberhardt, Ph.D. '83 - In recognition of her groundbreaking research and investigation into racial stereotyping and how the underlying beliefs of society may guide our perceptions and behaviors.
Eric G. Mart, Ph.D., ABPP '73 - In recognition of his international expertise on the disorder Munchausen's syndrome by proxy and the costs of false accusations to a child and family.
Robin Edelman Roffer '80 - In recognition of her innovative and creative talents as a brand strategist for some of the best known names in the world and for serving as an inspiration for women who are seeking self-discovery and expression.
Daniel Ruben '74 - In recognition of his determination and devotion to making the world a healthier and more sustainable place for its citizens of today and tomorrow.
Scott E. Singer, M.D., M.P.H. '80 - In recognition of his compassion and humanitarian efforts to provide medical care to the people of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Sharon Solwitz, Ph.D. '64 - In recognition of her extraordinary, award-winning creativity and talent as a distinguished and gifted writer, storyteller and teacher.
Rochelle D. Weitzner '86 - In recognition of her innovation, leadership and outstanding achievements as a corporate executive, leader and mentor.
Nicole Yvonne Williams '96 - In recognition of her rapid rise to success in the political arena as spokesperson for Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and her active and energetic commitment to community service.
Daniel (Danno) A. Wolkoff '82 - In recognition of his talent, enthusiasm, vision and entrepreneurial spirit in developing the largest independently owned radio syndicator in the United States.
Lori B. Appelbaum ’82 - In recognition of her international acclaim as the foremost bank analyst in the United States and the outstanding leadership and mentorship she provides for the financial service industry.
Neil M. Cornrich ’75 - In recognition of his groundbreaking achievements and expertise in the field of professional athlete and coach representation and his lifelong motivation to helping his clients serve as role models for society.
Fred C. Crosby ’78 - In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the Cleveland community as an attorney and former assistant prosecutor; co-founder, advisor and legal editor of City News; and Board officer, advisor, role model and leader.
Jed Davis, Ph.D. ’70 - In recognition of his outstanding talents as an entrepreneur, author, syndicated columnist, coach and educator, and for his inspiration, spirit and devotion to ensuring opportunities without boundaries for young female athletes.
Abby L. Ferber, Ph.D. ’85 - In recognition of her leadership efforts as a researcher, educator and author on the problems of prejudice and hate that afflict our society, and her lifelong work to create a better world where diversity is celebrated.
Linda M. Harris, M.D. ’80 - In recognition of her clinical excellence in the field of vascular medicine; her outstanding contributions as a physician, researcher and mentor; and for charting new territory as a female vascular surgeon.
Sheryl Markowitz ’82 - In recognition of her selfless devotion and heartfelt compassion for children with life-threatening illness and their families, and for the courage, strength and healing she brings to those whose lives she touches.
Enid Baum Rosenberg ’66 - In recognition of her passionate, diligent and tireless volunteer efforts and her award-winning leadership and vision as a Board officer, strategist, diplomat and citizen of our community.
Howard Shack ’85 - In recognition of his creative talents and genius as a cameraman, cinematographer and director of photography, and for his contributions to the Survivors of Shoah living testimony that will help ensure the world never forgets.
Derek Atkins ’89 - In recognition of his creative genius in computer technology that has made him a key player in the evolution of Internet security, and of his contributions bringing better, more efficient and secure digital communications to millions of people in their daily lives.
Peter Cimoroni ’75 - In recognition of his expertise as an entrepreneur and fundraiser who has generated thousands of dollars for humanitarian causes, and of his talents as a coach who revived Beachwood’s wrestling program to make it a challenging sport teaching students discipline, determination and character.
James R. Crosby ’81 - In recognition of his outstanding leadership as founder and publisher of a newspaper for Cleveland’s African American community whose coverage and commentary enlighten and educate his readers while providing a strong voice of leadership, encouragement and support.
Perry Eisner, M.D. ’77 - In recognition of his determination and courage as a pediatric anesthesiologist to overcome traditional medical practices and find safe techniques to protect children from surgical and postoperative pain, thereby providing truly humanitarian treatment for his young patients and their parents.
Michael R. Fisch, Ph.D. ’71 - In recognition of his significant contributions as a physicist, research investigator, educator and inventor whose scientific expertise is recognized internationally and whose research involving liquid crystals has benefited computer laptop users and television viewers throughout the world.
Renee Friedman, Ph.D. ’74 - In recognition of her outstanding leadership and courage as a world-recognized archaeologist whose passionate pursuit to uncover the artifacts of ancient Egypt has contributed to a wealth of knowledge about a society that lived more than five thousand years ago.
Robert B. Gibbs, Ph.D. ’77 - In recognition of his significant contributions as a neuroscientist and researcher whose studies in memory retention and memory skills seek to protect the elderly against Alzheimer’s Disease, and whose outreach work with disadvantaged teens has inspired many of them to strive toward careers in science.
Heidi Joyce (Sicherman) ’78 - In recognition of her versatile talents as a comedian, actress, producer, writer, composer and choreographer who has won national acclaim as an entertainer and social activist, the latter for her comedy stand against domestic violence, raising awareness of the issue as well as funds to fight it.
Joanna Karl ’69 - In recognition of her courage and leadership as a woman in a male-dominated profession whose contributions both as an environmental engineer and as an individual have demonstrated her passion for preserving the planet and maintaining peace among its peoples.
Cyndi Roller, Ph.D. ’70 - In recognition of her leadership, founded on compassion, caring and courage, as a certified nurse-midwife who has touched and enhanced the lives of many women, their babies and families through her innovative work and supportive presence.
Steven M. Saferin ’66 - In recognition of his outstanding leadership and vision as an entrepreneur whose creative marketing concepts have afforded state lotteries a unique way to increase ticket sales and accompanying revenues that ultimately benefit millions of people through greater funding for vital programs.
David Spero ’69 - In recognition of his ingenuity and skill as a talent agent, particularly of “rock ’n roll” musicians, whose management genius has given rise to several stars in the entertainment industry while enriching the musical scene for millions to enjoy.
Alan Weingarten ’82 - In recognition of his exceptional courage and perseverance to achieve beyond his potential as a mentally challenged person who has become a valuable employee, productive and independent citizen and an advocate in the political arena for training to help other disabled persons become employable.
Franklin H. Zimmerman, M.D. ’72 - In recognition of his excellence as a cardiologist, educator, researcher, author and editor who has significantly advanced medical knowledge and training and, through his own nationally circulated consumer newsletter, who has created a valuable source of information on prevention and treatment of heart disease.
1990 - 1999
Paul Adler, D.O. ’70 - In recognition of his rare combination of medical expertise, humanitarian heart and administrative skills that he has devoted to helping the neediest members of society, while also advancing the training and standards for others in his specialty of emergency medicine.
Laurence A. Bradley, Ph.D. ’67 - In recognition of his unique and outstanding scientific investigations which have greatly enhanced the understanding of the causes of chronic pain as well as the treatment of patients with painful musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal disorders.
Jane C. Busch, Ph.D. ’74 - In recognition of her excellence and expertise as an historic preservation planner whose work has guided local and state governments in preserving buildings of historical importance and in so doing, revived neighborhoods and helped preserve the past for present and future generations.
Terry Fromson ’71 - In recognition of her contributions to social and economic equity through her career as a public interest lawyer and her successful advocacy to end insurance discrimination against battered women.
Saj-nicole Joni, Ph.D. ’69 - In recognition of her outstanding leadership and expertise as a management consultant ranked among the nation’s top 100 women in computing whose innovative use of new technologies has led major corporations to benefit from the electronic marketplace.
Jonathan Lewin, M.D. ’77 - In recognition of his distinguished contributions as a physician, teacher and research investigator whose innovative use of magnetic resonance imaging has saved the lives of cancer patients considered incurable and allowed the diagnosis of tumors without invasive surgery.
Michael LiBassi ’68 - In posthumous recognition of his artistry and talent as a director, dancer, choreographer, singer and actor who brightened the Cleveland theater scene and whose special work with young people gave them the confidence and poise to follow their dreams.
Ilona Lubman, Ph.D. ’71 - In recognition of her ingenuity as New York City’s safety chief in creating Safety City, a program in Harlem that has become a national model, teaching children to be street-smart about traffic and saving hundreds of youngsters from injury, disability and death.
Debra Fine McGuire ’70 - In recognition of her creativity and artistry as a star in the world of costume design for the television sitcom, “Friends,” as well as feature films, and as a fashion designer for Hollywood celebrities who frequent her exclusive California atelier/couturier salon.
Jeffrey L. Rotsky ’84 - In recognition of his boundless determination and generosity to encourage disadvantaged youths toward success in school by creating a mentoring foundation that matches them with professionals and by his own example as a successful financial consultant and high school football coach.
Carolyn J. Sachs, M.D. ’84 - In recognition of her consciousness-raising efforts as a physician in emergency medicine to help doctors identify domestic violence and take steps to prevent problems before they become medical emergencies, thus saving countless persons from further physical and emotional injury.
Todd S. Sachs, Ph.D. ’86 - In recognition of his mathematical and engineering talents in medical research that have led to a critical breakthrough in the use of magnetic resonance imaging, opening the field to more cost-effective diagnosis of cardiac and abdominal disease.
Ruth Simon ’76 - In recognition of her award-winning work as an editor and investigative reporter for Money magazine, whose business and financial writing has contributed to consumer awareness and has helped small investors protect themselves and their money.
Marlene Siegel Theriault ’61 - In recognition of her courage, determination and drive to further her education, becoming internationally renowned for her expertise in a high-tech profession and for her willingness and ability to share her knowledge and teach others.
Darrell A. Young ’66 - In recognition of his valuable qualities and business expertise which he generously has contributed to civic and Jewish communal organizations and institutions and his humanitarian spirit improving and enriching the lives of thousands of people here and in Israel.
Dennis R. Barrie, Ph.D. ’65 - In recognition of his courageous and successful legal stand for artistic freedom despite the threat to his own liberty, and his vision and creative impact on our culture and society as director of Cleveland’s Rock ’n Roll Hall of Fame.
Scott Bendis ’83 - In recognition of his creative genius that has significantly advanced technology in the amazing world of computer-generated animation and special effects, for which he has been recognized with the entertainment industry’s highest honors, Emmy and Academy Awards.
Marc Cohn ’77 - In recognition of his talent and creativity as a Grammy-Award winning singer, recording star and songwriter whose artistry in music goes beyond entertainment to present a lyrical - and philosophical - panorama of our culture and his hopes for its future.
Randi J. Cone ’70 - In recognition of her role as a star in the highly competitive world of entertainment public relations whose talent in promoting major network television programs has contributed dramatically to enlivening and brightening the American television landscape.
Steven Feren ’69 - In recognition of his creativity and artistry in crafting inspiring and compelling sculptures that convey concern and compassion for humankind and educate both his students and society to the powerful messages that art can depict.
Michael I. Kandel, M.D. ’68 - In posthumous recognition of his humanitarian contributions toward enhancing the lives of others by creating health and wellness programs, while mounting a courageous battle against leukemia that extended his life and commitment to his family and patients years beyond medical expectations.
Jackie Krentzman ’80 - In recognition of her accomplishments as a woman sportswriter who has surmounted the male barriers of her profession to become nationally honored for her work and, as a volunteer tutor, has given unselfishly to motivate disadvantaged students to succeed in school.
Jeffrey E. Mirel, Ph.D. ’66 - In recognition of his contributions and commitment to American public education as a researcher and author whose findings, widely acknowledged by government officials, educators and scholars, have had an impact and influence on improving urban schools.
Shelley Roth ’74 - In recognition of her outstanding contributions as a Cleveland business leader who turned interest into initiative to spearhead civic projects and causes that have significantly improved the economy, the environment and the safety of this city.
Michael D. Siegal ’70 - In recognition of his outstanding leadership and humanitarian service devoted to community and Jewish causes, and in particular, his efforts as national campaign chairman of Bonds for Israel, through which he has helped to develop and strengthen the State of Israel.
Brad Silverberg ’72 - In recognition of his leadership and inventive genius as head of Microsoft Corporation’s research and development team that created the Windows 3.1 operating system, revolutionizing the computer industry and making computers more user-friendly for millions of people worldwide.
Ronna H. Weiss, Ph.D. ’69 - In recognition of her humanitarian efforts in establishing and directing a substance abuse clinic for psychologically disturbed patients in the Bronx, N.Y., and inspiring her staff to follow her example of tireless work for those in desperate need.
Joan H. Brown, Ph.D. ’63 - In recognition of her outstanding achievements as a professor of pharmacology, chairman of a graduate program in biomedical science, research investigator, lecturer and writer whose leadership, knowledge and skills have made her an exemplary role model for women aspiring to careers in science.
Armond D. Budish ’71 - In recognition of his legal expertise and creative talents in writing a widely acclaimed book and award-winning consumer law columns in newspapers and magazines that have helped millions of readers protect their assets and themselves.
David B. Chernikoff ’68 - In recognition of his humanitarian contributions as a psychotherapist in building hospice programs in New Mexico to counsel, comfort and care for terminally ill patients and as a public health educator in combatting and preventing extensive blindness among the people of Nepal.
Gerald A. Fishman, M.D. ’61 - In recognition of his significant contributions as an ophthalmologist, researcher, educator and author who has devoted his life to unraveling the mysteries of complex genetic disorders causing blindness while giving his patients unwavering compassion and hope for the future.
Bernard Frischer, Ph.D. ’67 - In recognition of his exceptional achievements as a scholar, college educator and author whose creation of the world’s largest computerized network of classical literature and the nation’s leading classics program at UCLA have inspired students to learn about the roots of our civilization.
Stephen Greenfield ’76 - In recognition of his creative contributions to cinema as an award-winning screenplay writer and originator of software programs that computerized the film industry, one of which was nominated for an Academy Award for scientific and technical effects.
Steven J. Isakowitz ’79 - In recognition of his expertise and vision as an aerospace engineer, author of a comprehensive reference guide to space launch systems and service to the President in helping to develop America’s policy and plans for new frontiers in space, aeronautics and science.
Joan H. Katz '74 - In recognition of her award-winning achievements that have helped guide the development of educational programming for the Public Broadcasting Service and harness the power of public television to serve as a tool for teachers and a motivating force inspiring children to learn.
Dianne C. Leeb, M.D. ’62 - In recognition of her pioneering achievements as the first woman surgeon in Atlanta whose skills in plastic surgery have improved the appearance - and self-esteem - of burn victims and cancer patients, and whose spirit and encouragement have inspired other women to follow her lead.
Phillip S. Lobel, Ph.D. ’71 - In recognition of his renowned accomplishments as a biological marinist and selfless dedication to worldwide scientific discovery whose research has broadened knowledge about the evolution of sea life and has had an impact on environmental planning to protect the planet for future generations.
Jonathan R. Mielenz, Ph.D. ’66 - In recognition of his significant contributions as a scientist and research investigator whose creative genius in microbiology and genetic engineering has improved products and processes in the fields of nutrition, agriculture and the environment that have benefited humanity.
Michael S. Nussbaum, M.D. ’74 - In recognition of his excellence as a surgeon, educator, researcher, author and editor who has contributed his knowledge and skills to train future generations of surgeons, and his innovative talents to advance medical techniques that have improved the quality of health care.
Marc Shlachter, M.D. ’61 - In recognition of his selfless dedication as a country doctor in Hawaii who has dispensed care and compassion with humor and generosity, and free advice and information via radio broadcasts to make a healthy difference in the lives of many.
Jerald Simmons, M.D. ’78 - In recognition of his determination and perseverance in overcoming the learning obstacle of dyslexia to graduate from medical school with honors and become a neurologist whose research utilizing computers has contributed to advancing medical knowledge.
Steven Young ’77 - In recognition of his courage and perseverance in overcoming serious illness and his inventive genius in engineering sophisticated production processes and designs for Macintosh computers that have resulted in user-friendly technology to ease the workload of millions of people.
Scott Zeilinger ’79 - In recognition of his outstanding leadership, creativity and concern in producing environmentally safe cleaning products that have influenced consumer awareness to protect the Earth’s resources, and his generous support of organizations dedicated to preserving the planet.
1985 - 1989
Judy Fant Marks, Honorary Diploma ’89 - In recognition of her dedicated service and significant contributions as a Beachwood School Board member, twice serving as president, and as a student advocate whose vision and vitality helped to develop the district's philosophy of education and to initiate the Gallery of Success
Lou-Ann Crouther, Ph.D. ’72 - In recognition of her outstanding achievements as a college English professor, writer and community volunteer whose example and contributions have instilled pride and inspired scholarship and success among her students and all who know her.
Lisa B. Eberlin, M.D. ’75 - In recognition of her determination and drive in surmounting difficulties in her youth, her commitment to counseling rape victims and her dedication as a scientist, physician and surgeon to further healing and human relations.
Brenda Saltzman Ellner ’63 - In recognition of her innovative achievements as the national originator of education workshops for new parents that teach the skills and joys of raising children, build confidence and support, and have generated enriching programs that bring families together.
Thomas W. Faranda, Ph.D. ’64 - In recognition of his excellence and leadership as an international management/marketing consultant, motivational speaker and educator who has inspired thousands in business and industry by challenging them, as he so successfully did himself, to nurture a winning spirit.
1st Lt. Amy Feldman ’79 - In recognition of her contributions to her country as an Air Force nurse whose special skills and dedication, particularly during a mercy mission to the South Pacific, have helped alleviate suffering and brought care and comfort to those in need.
James B. Heller ’64 - In recognition of his outstanding achievements as an architect of national stature whose contributions to Beachwood, professionally and as a civic leader and volunteer firefighter, have figured notably in the city’s growth, development and quality of life.
Terri L. Katz ’74 - In recognition of her fortitude and determination in overcoming a stroke and loss of speech and her unselfish dedication to creating public awareness of stroke prevention, and in so doing, earning the highest award of the Toastmasters Club for public speaking.
Jeffrey M. Koerner, D.O. ’63 - In recognition of his unselfish commitment and contributions as a physician in rural Florida whose expertise and efforts, caring and compassion have greatly improved the quality of life - and medicine - for residents of an entire country.
Alan H. Kraus ’73 - In recognition of his courage and determination, after surviving a crippling plane crash, to pursue a career in law through which he has worked with competence and compassion for the rights of the indigent and the handicapped.
Joel Ratner ’82 - In recognition of his extraordinary and unselfish efforts, while still a college student, as an elected alderman in his university community and as an advocate for the homeless and hungry, and since his graduation, as a refugee rescue worker in Thailand.
Carol Rivchun ’67 - In recognition of her outstanding leadership and influence, through the Greater Cleveland Growth Association’s Council of Smaller Enterprises, in developing entrepreneurial programs that have become a national model for teaching skills of small business management.
Iris Bailey Shelton ’68 - In recognition of her award-winning achievements as a broadcast journalist whose commitment of time and talent, professionally and personally, has significantly advanced the cause of humanitarian issues affecting women and children.
Joel M. Solloway ’71 - In recognition of his artistry as an audio recording engineer whose talent and ingenuity have given new dimensions to the sounds of music and the quality of broadcast commercials that enliven and brighten the American scene.
Sandy Bellin ’79 - In recognition of her courage and determination in overcoming serious illness and her commitment of vast energy and efforts, while still a medical student, toward health care and preventive medicine for those of all ages in need.
Charles M. Berk ’69 - In recognition of his contributions to this country and others as legal counsel to committees of the United States Senate and House of Representatives and a federal agency aiding Latin American and Caribbean nations as well as for his efforts in support of international human rights.
Robert M. Bloom ’66 - In recognition of his devotion and dedication to the Beachwood community as a civic leader and especially to its young people as a long-standing recreation volunteer who directed and coached wrestling and soccer programs.
Jared L. Cohon, Ph.D. ’65 - In recognition of his excellence as an educator, his expertise as a college administrator and his contributions as a civil and environmental engineer toward improving the quality of life in this country and abroad.
Robineve Adler Cole ’68 - In recognition of her exceptional talent and artistry as a fashion and fabric designer and her integrity as a clothing manufacturer committed to fine quality, design and workmanship.
Vivian Goodman Duvall ’66 - In recognition of her expertise and excellence as a broadcast journalist, radio news director and pioneer in Cleveland Public Radio who adds a significant voice to issues and sensitive insight into people in the news.
Michael D. Greenberg, Ph.D. ’65 - In recognition of his ongoing courage and determination to lead a productive life despite serious chronic illness and his accomplishments as a psychologist in extending help and hope to others facing crises in their lives.
Alan H. Klein, M.D. ’63 - In recognition of his contributions to medical research which have helped to reduce dramatically retardation in children and for his achievements in practice which have improved the survival rate of high-risk newborns.
Carole A. Nicolosi ’65 - In recognition of her excellence and dedicated leadership in special education which has advanced teacher training, improved educational opportunities for exceptional and handicapped students and created public awareness of their needs.
Arnold L. Rosenberg ’68 - In recognition of his outstanding leadership in community journalism as an editor who provides fair and comprehensive coverage of local news and views and a strong voice in support of Cleveland’s eastern suburbs and its citizenry.
Steven M. Wasserman ’70 - In recognition of his creativity and ingenuity as a writer and producer for television and motion pictures whose talents have brightened the entertainment screens and the lives of viewers coast to coast.
Shelley J. Zimmerman ’77 - In recognition of her skill, courage and outstanding record as a law and drug enforcement officer and her efforts to educate young people about chemical abuse.
Paula Rollins
Gallery of Success Coordinator