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Special Education

Beachwood Schools is committed to serving all students and their families through diverse and rigorous programs for all learners. Students are provided services in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which ensures access to the general education curriculum in regular education classrooms to the maximum extent possible. 

Continuum of Services

We offer a full continuum of services for students ages 3 through 21, including school psychology services, speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, intervention services, audiology services, and support from a board-certified behavior analyst. Our special education model emphasizes inclusion. Students are provided services within the general education setting to the maximum extent possible to meet their unique and individual needs.

Child Find At a Glance

Purpose: School districts across the state of Ohio are participating in an effort to identify, locate, and evaluate all children from birth through 21 years of age who may have disabilities. These disabilities encompass a wide range, including intellectual disabilities, autism, speech impairments, deafness, orthopedic impairments, and more. 

Why It's Important: Some children with disabilities, such as homeless or migrant children, or those in preschool, might not be easily identifiable. Parents may not be aware their child has a disability or that there are programs and services available. Our mission is to ensure no child in need of services is overlooked.

Our Approach: We gather necessary information through interviews, observations, and assessments to determine if a child has a disability and the nature of the special services they might need. This process involves collaboration with parents, students, and other relevant agencies.

Privacy and Record Keeping: All information collected is strictly confidential and is only shared with your consent or as required by law. We maintain these records for a minimum of five years or as mandated by legal requirements. As parents, you have the right to review and request copies of your child's records.

Your Rights: You have the full right to:

  • Access and review your child's educational records.
  • Refuse the release of information, barring legal obligations.
  • Amend records you believe are inaccurate or violate your child's rights.

We Need Your Help: If you believe your child or a child you know may have a disability, please contact Jennifer Polak, Director of Pupil Services, (216) 464-2600, ext. 2215 for assistance and more information.