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Gifted Education

Every student in the Beachwood City School District who meets the written criteria for a gifted service is provided with an equal opportunity to receive that service. The placement criteria for gifted services is applied consistently across all buildings and grade levels. Gifted services are accessible to all gifted students who meet the placement eligibility criteria.

Identification & Eligibility

A mother and two children studying at home

The Beachwood City School District Board of Education follows the identification eligibility criteria as specified in Section 3324.03 of the Ohio Revised Code and the Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students. Annually, children who are gifted are identified by professionally qualified persons using a variety of assessment procedures. Children in grades K-12 may be gifted in one or more of the following areas:

  • Superior Cognitive Ability
  • Specific Academic Ability
  • Creative Thinking Ability
  • Visual or Performing Arts Ability

The Beachwood City School District provides at least two opportunities a year for assessment in the case of children requesting assessment or recommended for assessment by teachers or parents. The District only uses assessment instruments for screening, assessment and identification that are approved by the Ohio Department of Education as provided in the Chart of Approved Assessment Instruments for Gifted Screening and Identification.

Gifted Services Offered

The Beachwood City School district provides the following gifted services:


Linda LoGalbo

Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Presentation: Raising Gifted Children

Distinguished psychologist and gifted education expert Dr. Sylvia Rimm shares strategies for nurturing and supporting the unique talents of gifted children.

Resources & Forms